Customised solutions with a focus on nordic industry

Component’s operations focus on technology trading and solutions based largely on the supplier´s range of components. The business area is strongly rooted in the Nordic manufacturing sector, holding favourable positions in major customer segments, such as original accessories for applications in the engineering sector, special vehicles, energy and electronics. Solutions are customised in close partnership with customers and the market’s best suppliers. Together with a local presence, this adds value, affording the business area’s companies competitive advantages in each of their niche markets. Society’s pursuit of sustainable development and customers’ growing needs for environmentally friendly solutions, including in electrification and the realignment to renewable fuels, are strong driving forces for the business area.

Demand for input components from Nordic manufacturers held a good level over the year, despite tough comparison figures from the preceding year. The cautiousness in the economy could be discerned in demand for mechanical industry levelling off. The business situation was favourable in the electronics industry as well as in wind power, defence, medical technology and vehicles. Read more on the Administration Report.

Key financial indicators 2019/2020 2018/2019
Net sales, SEKm 2,082 1,960
EBITA, SEKm 218 220
EBITA margin, % 10.5 11.2
Return on working capital, % 48 57
Average number of employees 396 369
Acquired annual sales* - 85
* Refers to conditions at the time of acquisition on a full-year basis.