Note 16 Leasing

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Operating leases Group Parent Company
Addtech as leasee 2012/2013 2011/2012 2012/2013 2011/2012
Lease payments        
Lease payments made during the financial year 103.9 102.8 3.1 2.7
of which variable payments 0.9 0.8
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable contracts fall due as follows:        
Within one year 87.3 90.1
Later than one year and within five years 135.6 159.7 3.9 4.6
Five years or later 3.9 6.5
Total 226.8 256.3 3.9 4.6
Significant operating leases primarily constitute rental contracts for premises in which the Group conducts business.

Addtech as lessor

Addtech received a total of SEK 1.9 million (1.9) in lease revenue during the financial year. SEK 2.3 million (2.1) remains to be received within one year, and thereafter a total of SEK 2.4 million (2.4) is receivable within five years. Most operating leases for which Group companies are lessors concern the rental of technical equipment to customers.

Finance leases

At present there are no significant finance leases in the Group.