The year in brief


For the 2014/2015 financial year the Group is reporting growth in both sales and profit, which is attributable mainly to previously implemented acquisitions. Business gradually improved during the year, but demand continues to vary between product segments, customer segments, geographic areas and companies. During the financial year, the Group completed nine acquisitions, adding annual sales of about SEK 540 million. Cash Flow from operations amounted to SEK 557 million.

Q1 Business was stable

During the first quarter business was relatively stable on the whole, but the market variations in terms of geography, customer segments and product segments prevail. Two acquisitions were implemented in the quarter.

Q3 Good organic growth

In the third quarter all business areas displayed good organic growth and, with contributions from implemented acquisitions, both sales and profit rose. Business improved somewhat further in Sweden and Denmark.

Q2 Improved demand

Demand improved somewhat during the second quarter, above all for Components and Energy, despite the lack of change in the total market situation. Six acquisitions were implemented in the quarter.

Q4 Strong Cash flow

Business continued to flourish for all business areas in the final quarter of the year. Life Science was affected by low profitability in certain projects in Process Technology. Cash flow from operations was strong.

Dynamisk graf: Net sales and operating profit, year
Dynamisk graf: Net sales and operating profit, quarter
  2014/2015 2013/2014 Change, %
Net sales, SEKm 6,776 6,089 11
Operating profit, SEKm 536 501 7
Cash flow from operations, SEKm 557 479 16
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 44 47 -3
Earnings per share, SEK 5.90 5.50 7
Shareholders' equity per share, SEK 22.60 20.10 12
Return on equity, % 28 30 -2
Average number of employees 2,224 2,100 6
For definitions, see page 107.      
Latest updated: 7/9/2015 10:46:04 AM by