Our stakeholders

Addtech has identified five stakeholder groups of importance to the Group: customers, suppliers, employees, owners and society. Addtech strives to maintain an open dialogue with the Group's stakeholders on how our operations are conducted, and to explain priorities, decisions and the results achieved. In our view, this is a fundamental prerequisite for us as a Group to be able to focus on the right issues in our CSR work. To ensure that our CSR efforts are as successful as possible, Addtech welcomes contacts from stakeholders wishing to engage in dialogue about their views on the focus or results of this work.

Information on the major CSR issues is mainly communicated to stakeholders via the sustainability report. Dialogue with stakeholders is conducted at Group level, but also to a considerable extent at the Group's companies. After dialogue with the Group's stakeholders, Group management - in consultation with the Board of Directors - makes decisions on which CSR issues are of major importance to the Group and on Group-wide working methods and targets.

During 2010/2011, we conducted an internal and an external stakeholder analysis to ensure that we are working on and reporting on the areas that are most important to our operations and our stakeholders. The internal stakeholders represented all four of our business areas and the external stakeholders consisted of key customers and major shareholders. The dialogue with our stakeholders demonstrated not only that our stakeholders value Addtech's increased commitment to CSR issues, but also highlighted the Group's former lack of communication about our CSR work. During the year we therefore earmarked additional resources to improve communication about our CSR efforts, both internally and externally. As part of this, we drew up a communication and action plan for how we will cement our work even more firmly in the Group and we produced informative material about the content of our CSR measures. The latter is used both internally and externally.

The results of the stakeholder analysis showed that the areas of highest priority were business ethics, energy consumption, profit trends and working environment. During this financial year, we continued our work on the basis of these areas.

Stakeholder analisys

The table Economic value generated and distributed illustrates how the value generated by the Group's operations has arisen and has been distributed to various stakeholder groups. During the year, Addtech did not receive any major financial support from the public sector.

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Economic value generated and distributed
SEKm Stakeholder 2011/12 2010/11
Income Customers 5.200 4.418
Economic value generated 5.200 4.418
Manufacturing costs Suppliers 3.721 3.166
Salaries and other remuneration* Employees 1.008 872
Payments to providers of capital Lenders 30 20
Payments to providers of capital Shareholders 156 111
Payments to governments Public sector 126 101
Economic value distributed 5.041 4.270
Remaining in company 159 148


* Total salaries and other remuneration consists of salaries and pensions to employees, including amounts paid to the public sector (payroll taxes, social security costs etc.) on behalf of the employees.