Consolidated Income Statement

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SEKm Notes 2017/2018 2016/2017
Net sales 8,022 7,178
Cost of sales -5,522 -4,939
Gross profit 2,500 2,239
Selling expenses -1,364 -1,241
Administrative expenses -455 -432
Other operating income 59 48
Other operating expenses -42 -12
Income from associated companies   3 2
Operating profit 701 604
Finance income 4 2
Finance costs -40 -26
Net financial items -36 -24
Profit before tax 665 580
Income tax expense -139 -130
Attributable to:    
Equity holders of the Parent Company 514 440
Non-controlling interests 12 10
Earnings per share before dilution (EPS), (SEK) 7.70 6.60
Earnings per share after dilution (EPS), (SEK) 7.65 6.55
Average number of shares after repurchases (’000s) 66,950 66,824
Number of shares at end of period after repurchases (’000s) 66,992 66,824


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

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SEKm 2017/2018 2016/2017
Profit for the year 526 450
Components that will be reclassified to profit of the year    
Cash flow hedges 0 1
Foreign currency translation differences for the period 115 52
Tax attributable to items that can later be reversed in profit or loss 0 0
Components that will not be reclassified to profit of the year    
Revaluations of defined benefit pension plans -9 -13
Tax attributable to items not to be reversed in profit or loss 2 3
Other comprehensive income 108 43
Comprehensive income for the year 634 493
Attributable to:    
Equity holders of the Parent Company 619 482
Non-controlling interests 15 11
Latest updated: 12/9/2020 12:38:01 AM by